Click the Camp Program Below to Learn More:
TRAILBLAZER | entering 3rd – 4th grade

Campers never run out of new challenges and adventures in Trailblazers. The emphasis is on individual skill development while working in a group setting. The unit features a program of electives as well as arts & crafts, swimming, music, drama, boating/canoeing, team & individual sports, and special events. There is an increased focus on arts, sports, and team building.
VENTURE | entering 5th – 6th grade

The goals of the venture program are to strengthen physical and emotional maturity with an emphasis on enhancing self-esteem. In addition to the wide variety of age-appropriate electives, like golf, archery, creative arts, sports, games, and boating, campers participate in social camp events.
COUNSELOR IN TRAINING (CIT) | entering 9th – 10th grade

We recognize at this age they want to be more than just campers. This program allows our CITs that freedom along with a healthy dose of responsibility. Our CITs get hands-on experience working with our younger campers and leadership training that focuses on teamwork, communication, cooperation, responsibility, patience, and respect.
Our sports program includes kickball, gaga ball (Israeli dodgeball), baseball, softball, basketball, volleyball, tetherball, Newcomb, lacrosse, foursquare (boxball), golf, whiffle ball, soccer, ultimate frisbee, floor hockey, football, and archery.
Arts & Crafts
Our arts & crafts program includes STEM projects, painting, tie-dye, jewelry making, gimp/lanyard, clay-making, and more!
Special Interest Activities
Campers can choose to participate in a variety of special interest activities including archery, forts, drama, mini-golf, cheerleading, gymnastics, fishing, free swim, and more!
Jewish Culture Activities
JCC Camp Daleville helps our Jewish campers build their own Jewish identity while teaching other campers about Jewish and Israeli culture. Activities include Oneg Shabbat every Friday, Israel week, kosher cooking, Jewish trivia, shira (singing), Dead Sea scrolls, rikud (Israeli dance instruction).
Theme Days/Wacky Wednesdays
Theme days are some of the most exciting days at camp. Carnival Day, Super Hero Day, Country-Western Day, Capture the Flag Day, Water Sports Day, Israel Week, and Maccabia (Color War) are among camper favorites.